Company values

We believe in honesty, integrity, and transparency in our business dealings. Our company values teamwork, collaboration, and open communication to achieve our goals. We are committed to providing exceptional customer service and going above and beyond to meet our client's needs. At SNC COMMODITIES, we prioritize innovation and continuous learning to stay ahead of industry trends and advancements. We believe in giving back to our community and supporting initiatives that positively impact society.

Executive team

Code of conduct

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

What we do


What we do:

Commodity trading

In which fields do we work:

Agricultural product

Minerals and metals

Energy sources


© 2023 SNC Commodities

What we do:

Commodity trading

In which fields do we work:

Agricultural product

Minerals and metals

Energy sources


© 2023 SNC Commodities

What we do:

Commodity trading

In which fields do we work:

Agricultural product

Minerals and metals

Energy sources


© 2023 SNC Commodities